Glitchr Team Update: Installment 2

4 min readNov 19, 2020

A few days have passed since the first installment of the update article, and we have some new updates as well.

This new update will address a few of the new features and additions to our Glitchr Ecosystem.

Here are the things we’ll talk about:

· Governance

· Our upcoming wallet

· Coinmarketcap listing

· Marketing plans

· Exchange listings

Let’s get started.


Our governance contracts have been deployed on mainnet. You can see the Etherscan link here.

Essentially, governance puts the control in the community’s hands. We will also introduce a Governance chat group, where delegators can give proposals and vote on said proposals. The process is rather simplified.

· Propositions are laid out in the group chat (or discord channel)

· Propositions are then narrowed down to two choices within the group.

· The two choices are narrowed down to just one.

· Voters then head over to the platform and deposit their DIE tokens into the “for” or “against” pool.

· The voting goes on for a while to ensure that every person gets a chance to get a chance to cast a vote.

· After the time period expires, users can claim their DIE tokens by removing them from the pool.

· The pool with the highest amount of DIE tokens after the voting period ends wins and the proposal is sent for execution.

We believe that governance would make Glitchr a true community project and make our community satisfied. The voting system will be launched alongside our newly revamped website and voting group tomorrow. (19th of November)

Our Wallet

We have begun the building of our all in one wallet, which we believe will solve a lot of problems that conventional wallets don’t solve or don’t address. We have created a multi chain wallet but have added these features:

· Portfolio management: Rather than having a wallet app and a portfolio app, why not have both in one? We have built a portfolio management system into our app that will allow you to see the average performance of your crypto holdings overtime, to see how well or poorly they are performing, right in your wallet.

· Multi chain swaps: We realize that safety is a top priority for everyone, and crypto owners are advised to not hold cryptocurrencies on exchanges. But this safety comes at a cost: If the market is crashing, you are forced to either send your crypto to an exchange and swap to USD or bear the losses. We have come up with a solution: Multi chain swaps. By leveraging multiple technologies, users are able to swap between two cryptocurrencies that are not on the same chain rather easily. The implementation is yet to be completed, but when it is, there will be an article explaining how it works. We believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed, and that’s exactly what we’re doing.

· News articles: We believe that users should get latest news articles about their favourite cryptocurrencies sourced from the biggest crypto publishers without ever leaving the wallet. This can help them make important decisions like which crypto to sell and keep, or which one to add to their portfolio for the most gains. This news feed will be minimal and unobtrusive, and will in no way affect usability or functionality of the wallet.

· DIE staking: Lastly, we want to offer DIE staking natively from the wallet. This allows users to earn a passive income and have it delivered to the safety of their wallet while never leaving the wallet.

Updates on the wallet will be pushed as more features are added or development is improved.

Coinmarketcap application

We have successfully sent in our application for a Coinmarketcap listing, and expect the listing to come soon.

Marketing plans

We realize that marketing is important for the success of any project. Therefore we have contracted a marketing agency to cover our coin’s features and help us spread the word about what problems we’re fixing. The deals are being finalized today.

We are also chasing many more partnerships and are contracting writers on cryptocurrency websites to cover our project and its features. We strongly believe this will aid steady growth in both price and userbase overtime.

Exchange listings

We have a few exchanges in mind to list on, and while we have our own choices, we will like to let the community decide through the governance system. The list of exchanges will be released along with the governance system tomorrow.

Thanks for reading the update. Expect more soon!

